Audiobooks (old and free)

I’d completely forgotten that several years ago I’d recorded a bunch of audiobooks and put them on where you can download/listen to them for free. I can’t vouch for the quality, being as I did it myself with no formal training or even basic skills outside of reading to my kid every night for many years!

Then I received an email from the site that hosts the things, so I figured I’d look them up and see if anyone is still listening to them. Goodness. It lives!

Zombie Nights, for one, has been downloaded nearly 4,000 times this fall, for a total of more than 80,000 in its lifetime. Time Zone more than 70,000. Somebody Somewhere, 60,000. Snapdragon Alley, Squatter with a Lexus, Orange Car with Stripes, Freak City, Secret Sidewalk and Bobby and the Bedouins are all between 30,000 and 50,000. That’s just amazing to me.

This is why I always recommend “FREE” if what you want is readers (or in this case listeners). Put it out there. Your stories take on lives of their own. It’s their world now.


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